
Sasha's Bloc Band

From the blog

Critical Jazz Review

An intriguing ensemble to say the least, founded in 2012 we find a jazz collective in the truest sense of the word. Sasha’s Bloc is an eclectic mix of some top flight musicians that first made their name working the L.A. scene where 50 live performances were consistent sell outs and the music was a revival of the original pop music being jazz from the 20’s and 30’s.

 Now Sasha’s Bloc emerges from the studio with a delightful mix of original modern jazz compositions. The compositional engine is fueled by bassist Alex Gershman and a potential rising star in vocalist Carina Cooper. Additional band members include the great Lenni Castro on percussion and saxophonist Brandon Fields who seems to have emerged from the jazz witness protection program with a vengeance. All participant here can be considered A list talent and the eclectic mix of instrumentation lends itself to a signature sound that is fresh, well developed and above all lyrically progressive.

Some highlights of this fabulous release include “Playful Blues” along with “Paradise” and “Universal Swing.” The vibe here transcends stereotypical labeling, a musical happy place of organic rhythm and blues with sophisticated jazz harmonies. The cross over potential here could be gold should programmers look to expand their horizons.

Above all, Sasha’s Bloc is fun filled vocal oriented jazz played with a high degree of proficiency. Simply put, they do more then play the notes the make the music!

4 Stars and rising!

Tracks: I’m So In Love; Let’s Dance Together; Melancholy; Playful Blues; Rancho State of Mind; Joke; Paradise; Universal Swing; Someone Real.

Personnel: Alex Greshman: bass; Sergey Chipenko: piano; Herman Jackson: piano; Brandon Fields: saxophone; Bob McChesney: trombone; Nahum Zdybel: guitarist; Mark Cargill: violin; Keving Winard: drums; Lenni Castro: percussion; Carina Cooper: vocals; Peggi Blu: vocals; AJ Adam Jackson: vocals; Will Wheaton: vocals.

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